Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Obligatory Political Stance Post...

Hello to one and all where ever you may be on this partially lush, partially wet spinning sphere we call earth. And welcome to a post that deals with a very common topic of convo. these days.

The race for the White House. Yawn. I know. But I actually feel compelled to voice some of my opinions on this particular election. With about a month to go until election day, things are getting close. What?! Yes, I know it's crazy.

Let me pause for a second and give a kind-of-disclosure. I am liberal. But I wanna specify the difference in my meaning here really quick; I am no Nancy Pelosi, I am registered as "unaffiliated." It is very possible for a person to have liberal political views but not align themselves with a party. I do not agree with the Democrats or Republicans on a lot of things, I believe both parties have severe character flaws and the lack of bipartisanship between the two just solidifies where I stand. I am liberal, not democrat. My views may differ from yours, but I do encourage you to read on. The best way we learn and grow is to listen to those with opposing views. So educate yourself? Also I anticipate this to be a looong post so if you have the time, then onward we go!

I'll start out by saying I'm not crazy about either Obama or Romney. The best way I've heard it phrased thus far came from Jon Stewart, and I'm paraphrasing here. "These are the two choices we have. And it isn't necessarily that one is better than the other. This is what we have to work with."As a voter, this is kind of frustrating though I do realize there is no such thing as the "perfect candidate." The choice for me is clear---Obama. I believe he knows how to talk to people (not that that'll get much done), but I also believe he's had a hard time getting legislation passed partially due to a great deal of opposition for him and his presidency by congress. Barrack holds an indelible black mark on his term over the economy and the national debt. This will be the breaking point on whether or not he can win re-election. Overall, his likability among Americans is still high. My personal issues with Barrack Obama are as follows; I don't like what is under the surface of "Obama care." I like the idea behind it, "health care for all" and no discrimination on those with pre-existing health conditions. I, being a poor college student who has to take out loans as it is to pay for school, who is lucky to make 9,000 per year, will be expected to pay for health insurance too. This seems ridiculous considering my last big health expenditure was when I was 6 years old. Having health insurance is good because unexpected accidents or health issues can come up. But as it stands, I have no pre-existing medical conditions that would validate getting health insurance that would cost me an arm, a leg, and my first born. And the fact that I will be penalized with a fine if I do not have health insurance by the time "Obama care" goes in to effect seems unjustifiable. You're going to give me a fine I can't afford, to get health insurance I sure as hell can't afford? I know I have time to get my money situation in order, but I still feel "Obama care" doesn't make sense to the portion of our healthy population. The idea is good, the way in which it's being implemented is flawed.  

That being said, Romney has no better choice to offer on this idea. In fact, his plan is very similar to Obama's. Under his health plan, those who've had insurance previously wouldn't be denied insurance/dropped for pre-existing health issues. Those who've never had insurance and end up with a severe health concern, too bad so sad. Doesn't sound fair at all, because like I stated before, not all of us need health insurance RIGHT NOW. We'd like to have it as a safety net for those unexpected occurrences, but the majority of us have problems affording it. And as it stands, I've looked at my options under the current policy, and I don't qualify for any of the pools of low cost insurance. Again, problematic. Romney said he wouldn't repeal every bit of the current policy, but what difference would it make really?

On a side note, it's so difficult to know who's telling the truth and who isn't; from the candidates themselves to internet sources on the issues and "the facts." The process of forming political opinion seems to entail a lot of regurgitation. Well I heard this from this website and it validates my opinion that Obama is a terrorist...Doesn't make it right. The best way we can really stay informed is to educate ourselves on past policies, figure out where we stand individually, and talk to those who have differing view points because you can learn from each other. Specifically, I find it's hard to get the truth out of Romney and where he stands on issues---he has been in a cycle of flip-flopping like on his position of abortion. He was previously pro-choice, now he's pro-life. He was saying he need more teachers, now he's saying we don't? This makes me not trust him. He hasn't even revealed much of his plans for a potential presidency; gotta be honest Mitt, you seem very untrustworthy. 

As a future teacher, one of my main concerns is education reform. The current system in place isn't working effectively and doesn't utilize the range of skills that kids have. The pupil/student ratio has decreased in some parts of the country, but in an average classroom, teachers can have as many as 30 students at a time. On a different note, Chicago has a piss poor excuse for a school system. They have the shortest school day (6 hours) and yet those damn "teachers" were on strike for more money? You're going to hold out for a pay raise and let the kids loose out? I almost wonder if they're better off? I digress, the system needs to change and adapt to our kids. Education is currently "one size fits all" for each student. How is this fair to the individualized needs of each kid? My biggest problem are things like tracking/retention; this is the most degrading thing we could do to students, and it can start as early as elementary school. This predetermines the success or failure of each student without their say and segregates students in such a way that can make them label themselves as "smart" or "stupid" or "average." This is harmful to their self-esteem and will breed a sense of superiority or inferiority and can inhibit individual learning. These factors are linked to drop out rates, and I have seen personally the effect this can have on a student. The damage is alarming. 
Concerning higher education (college), the hikes in tuition are in some cases, excessive. Yes there are programs that benefit students and are involved in what they pay for, but for some, they just can't afford it. And the constraints of loans and debt are smothering a good deal of students. Back to the candidates; Obama has done a good deal of work increase the pell amount to a max of 5,500 per year allowing students like me to go to college. I do still need loans, but he wants to decrease interest to 10% of a student's earnings and enact debt forgiveness for students giving them a clean slate. Debt is a heavy weight on my mind daily, and really made me question my place in college. Romney would be unforgiving and cut spending on education. He has even said in the past he would consider cutting pell grants/funding for things like The Endowment for the Arts and Humanities. This would devastate our educational system as we know it. It is theorized he would do this as a tax break for the rich. I don't know if it's true, but I don't like his position and perceived notions of what is and isn't important. The future is nothing to gamble with. The growth of students should be held to a higher importance. 

(GASP) Okay. A bit of a rant, but you can see what matters to me.  
In closing, I believe Obama is a good man. I believe he more closely represents the people. And I believe he will do what is right for us. I don't believe Romney is in anyway, interested in the needs of the people. I think he is untrustworthy and not straight forward with the american people. His religion is a very small factor as to why I don't want him in office; I will admit, I'm not a fan of LDS religion. But I don't think he'd be in office so the LDS church could reign over the U.S. I just don't agree with his positions and I don't think he has anything new to offer. He won't be the savior of the U.S.---not that Obama will be---but I believe Obama can get us to a better place; mind you this belief is a hope. I really hope the country will get better under Obama's leadership. 

So that's where I'm at. And I'm prepared to move to Canada in the event of a Romney win. So here's to hope. Otherwise, it's moose and maple syrup for me....

Carry on!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

10 Months Later...

Hello one and all.

Ya ya whatever I'm back to bloggin.
Fuck I don't even know if anyone reads this but hey, I'll spin you a yarn.

And what a yarn it is, but in a nutshell, life is looking pretty golden from my end.
Little more than a nutshell since last I was here; had a lonely winter, a terrible spring semester (supremely shitty grades), and then an amazing summer and now fall. I know what you're thinking unnamed reader who might have wandered across this lowly page, what happened to our hero Beth? Alright, no need to be on the edge of your seat. Truly not all that interesting, but I'll try and make it as such.

When last I left you, I was involved with someone. Then simply put, I no longer was come last January. I had  experienced the other end of the break up; the dumpee if you will. It was an eye watering month or so, but hey, things happen. And as hippy dippy as it might sound, our fascinating universe definitely had plans for me; again simply put, things happen for a reason.

Three months later, my life took quite a turn for the better.
Yup. You guessed it, my hot ass got taken off the market again. And you know what? This time felt different.
Something that we've all told ourselves when being at the beginning of a new beginning. But nearly 7 months later, this has proven true. All I will say on this is that the world doesn't stop turning when a relationship ends. Sure it may feel like it, but if you're patient, someone will come into your life and make your world spin.
7 months later, and I'm in love. (Aww precious, cue vomit) :)

School has also made a dramatic improvement! I am no longer in the theater program as I found we weren't a good fit for each other. My true passion has always been giving back and teaching. SO I'm now in the English Undergrad Teaching Program. Pretty much, the best choice I've made for my future. I feel in place and like I'm where I was meant to be two years ago. If only I'd known then! But we make decisions when they are meant to be made, that ol' universe up to it's usual thing. I'm teaching on Tuesday nights along side one of my colleagues and my professor. What a rewarding experience it has already proven to be. It's an adult educational program with a culturally diverse group of people hungry for knowledge. How could I pass that up, answer, I couldn't. I'm also doing my field work (working in a classroom) with an old english teacher of mine; one of my reasons for going towards teaching. LOVING it.

And up to this moment, I'm doing something disgustingly cliche...I'm studying poetry while drinking coffee and listening to live jazz. I know what you're thinking, this Beth chick is a cool cat. Hip to the jive. Cut me some slack daddio. And all that beatnik junk. I'm just really interested in my education now and I just so happen to like coffee AND it just so happened to be open mic at my local coffee place. So no, not doing this on purpose. But I am digging it.

In closing, I'd like to include a poem I just wrote that kind of sums up the day I had. Wasn't the best or the luckiest. I think ya'll can relate though. I am back to bloggin' like I said so expect to hear more outta my fingers. Evening to you all.



You just woke up
And you already know
It’s gonna be one of
Those days.

A day where your
Hair doesn’t look right
You overslept and missed
The bus

You forget to put on
Deodorant and now you smell
And this morning you could
tell it’s one of those days.

You end up with blisters
strategically placed on your
Ankles and they bleed
And all you need is a breathe

But you sigh instead as
You are late to your class
Now there is a pounding in
Your head that won’t cease

After 8 hours in school
You can’t wait to be home
As you walk towards the bus
You step in mud.

New shoes made wet
And dirty and you think
This perfectly symbolizes
One of those days.

Sighing again for the umpteenth
Time, shuffling your feet
A man offers newspaper to
Wipe the mud away.

Now you’re thinking,
It doesn’t have to be
As bad as
One of those days.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

NO TREAT FOR YOU: Costumes that will make you UNLAYABLE.

Hello readers! As the title suggests, this is a seasonal blog post taking aboot costumes. I did a lot of looking around for a costume, and I saw some god awful ones that I thought to share with you: The top five worst costumes for women and men. Be warned: if there is a pun to be made, it is made. And believe me, it hurts me to make them just as much as it hurts you to read them. Not to mention, this post is entirely immature and makes the not-so-bold assumption that ya'll may want some tail this season so be assured this post is a "what not to wear" deal that may help you with your costume purchase. :)

SO if you've purchased any of these, (#fail) come Halloween be sure to put away the condoms and close your legs ladies because it ain't happening.

Women's Costumes:

10.Crayola Pink CostumeCrayola Crayon Costume
Admittedly, not the "worst" costume in the world. While you could have some playful banter about the suggestive point and coloring of this costume, at the end of the night, he's going home with the sexy nurse. Not the moderately"attractive" crayon.

9. Fraggle Rock Red Adult Costume Red Fraggle Costume
Pardon the pun, but me thinks he won't be fraggling your rock this halloween. This to me is just kind of a nightmare, seriously, what guy fantasizes about getting with a puppet from their childhood?

8. Pac-Man Inky CostumePac-Man Inky Costume
Well if they were to be gettin' up in your business, your face could easily be covered...
Ya I know that sounds bad :p BUT think about it, maybe if you were Ms. Pac-Man, that'd be better. But this has the sex appeal of, well, inky....meaning zero.

7. Cat In Hat Thing 1 or 2 Costume Cat In Hat Thing 1 or 2 Costume
Ready for another terrible pun? Here goes, and just remember these costumes provoke me...No thing on your thing action. OK now that I got that out of the way, for reals, this is a terrible costume. To me it looks like a crazy grandma who dyed her hair and is running around in her long johns...oh baby.

6. Yo Gabba Gabba Foofa CostumeYo Gabba Gabba Foofa Costume
Do I really have to say it? Ok seriously what the fuck. NO.
Isn't this a kid's cartoon? And isn't this costume just creepy on its own? Yikes.
Ya this just is self evident, don't wear this.

On a side note, I'm not advocating dressing slutty this holiday. You could always be a bad ass instead. Remember, just because women usually dress skanktastic, doesn't mean you have to.

Men's Costumes:

5. Pee Wee Herman CostumePee-Wee Herman Costume
What's Pee-Wee Herman's favorite game? Handball. (Cue creepy Pee-Wee laugh) HAHA.
And that's what you'll be playing on halloween if you pay homage to the creepiest TV character ever. SO pick virtually anything else. Except the following costumes of course....

4. Blunt Master Joint CostumeBlunt Master Joint Costume
Pull out your wallet and put some cash in the douchebag jar, because seriously this is the most tool-worthy costume one could possibly wear. Nothing says "Hey I'm motivated and intelligent" like dressing up as a massive joint. Just go home and take some hits dude. No action for you.

3. Gnome CostumeGnome Costume
On the plus side, this isn't that stupid. It just looks like he'll murder you in your sleep. Gnomes creep me the fuck out, don't know about you guys but really, look at that shit. Again, I give it a point for not being outrageously stupid, but ladies, would you go gnome with this? Ya. I did again. (sorry)

2. Bull Rider CostumeBull Rider Costume
WHOA there cowboy, tain't no need to wrap it before it's ridden. Because all you'll be doing is riding that fake bull home to a bottle of lotion and your laptop...BOOM. Insulted. Ok ok, all gross imagery aside, this just screams LAAAAMMMMMEEE. Simply put, don't do it. You'll be happy you didn't!

1. Ghostbuster Marshmallow Man CostumeGhostbuster Marshmallow Man Costume
The movie was great, but I had nightmares of this big squishy s.o.b. trying to eat me. No thank you. This one is the worst because it far surpasses any of the other costumes in the creepy category, and unless a lady is looking to be stuffed by a marshmallow (god I hope there isn't), then this'll get you no one broseph. Please don't haunt the streets in this. PLEASE.

I guess my ending point would have to be this: Don't wear something lame, creepy, or outrageously stupid. Be awesome with your costume. Both men and woman, be bad ass.

Hope this was helpful/entertaining, later kids and play it safe this Halloween!

Until next time!

"Talk About" by Dear and the Headlights

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Top 10 Spidey Memes

I hope these give you some laughs, I love spidey memes. :D











That's all folks!

Until next time.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

One Night.

Sometimes in the midst
Of jumbled thoughts and mixed feelings,
That's all it takes for clarity.
One night.
One person.
You look up and suddenly see stars again,
Your cheeks are sore from that grin that is plastered on your face
And gives no sign of being erased.

You know where you want to take your life, yourself.
Who you want to be.
You learn from past mistakes and for your sake,
Stop from repeating them so you can be the person
You want to be.

And there you emerge,
Thoughts sorted with one that hangs in suspension.
One thought.
One person.

I don't know what is to come,
I have hope.
For these feelings,
Being unlike anything before
I know I've won.

And this smile feels right at home,
And this heart knows where it rests.

And now, peace.

Take it easy kids :)


Friday, September 2, 2011

Full circle? Not quite.

The idiom "coming full circle," ha. I think I came full circle in June, then surpassed it completely. Ladies and gents, this is not the same person blogging to you now that was blogging to you previously.
I honestly am happy. Because the term "full circle" would suggest that I am back to the same spot in my life, being the same person. I'm fully aware though that I'm not as I was one year ago, let alone three months ago.
How to summarize this for you...my summer was CRAZY. Let me put it this way, I was very very adventurous the past few months. I myself may have become temporarily crazy :) I feel as though I've emerged more liberated than before. I've learned what I want out of life and what I don't want. I've learned to see each day as a chance to live more fully and optimistically. I've learned a great deal about myself. Not to say that I've all of the sudden abandoned all rational thinking, more to say that I've experienced many things this summer and I know I don't need to overdo it.
It's interesting to think that we definitively know ourselves, only to have everything go askew allowing us to have a new perspective. I like this new me, friends tell me that I have a new sense about me and it radiates more positively. To think I was once afraid of so many trivial things. But now I can say on a small scale I've conquered roller-coasters. On a larger scale I've acted shamelessly and apologized to no one, not even myself. I've laid bare in the sand at two in the morning watching the stars. I've had the spontaneous adventures I craved. I've seen different people; had fun with them for the sake of fun. Like I said, life has been crazy. Moral to this: don't be afraid. I know I've said it before, but truly I have now lived fearlessly.

On a side note, I'm into my second week of my second year of college and so far it's fantastic. Classes are great, teachers are too. So yay for that! :)
Work is still work, I did help train three newbies.
Other than that, that's all there is to say for now.
As always, thanks for reading.

In closing, a poem constructed by yours truly.

So a summer in review, its true, I did go crazy. Body worn, eyes tired, and my memory a bit

hazy. And as I see it, I don't quite believe it, but it happened all the same. For that, dear

friends, I have no one but myself to happily blame. :)

Until next time.


"I Must Be A Lover" by Guillemots
(Bands to check out: Guillemots, The Vaccines, Elliot Smith.)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Top Twelve-Jennifer's Body Quotes

Hello there. So a little explanation of why this is a post; the movie was terrible. The only redeeming factor was Diablo Cody. The writing was HILARIOUS. Make no mistake, this movie left me feeling stupid for watching it, but I had to share with you the lines that got me laughing.
OH and also, if you haven't seen it and want to, (even though I strongly recommend you don't waste 102 minutes of your life) you need to watch it with friends, far more enjoyable because there are so many "what the fuck" moments to share with each other.


12. "I just got Aquamarine on DVD. It's about a girl who's, like, half sushi.
She must've had sex with a blowhole or something."

11. "I thought you only murdered boys!
I go both ways."

10. "He listens to maggot rock. He wears nail polish. My dick is bigger than his."

9. "You're lime green jello and you can't even admit it to yourself ."

8. [after Needy stabs Jennifer in her chest] "My tit."
"No, your heart."

7. "You should be happy for me!
I'm having the best days since, like, Jesus invented the calendar."

6. "I am going... to eat your soul... and shit it out Lesnicky!"

5. "Do you buy all your murder weapons at Home Depot? God, you're butch!"

4. [Having been stabbed in the stomach and bleeding profusely] "Got a tampon? I thought I'd ask...You seem like you might be pluggin'."

3. "You give me such a wetty."

2. "Am I too big?"

1. "It smells like Thai food in here. Have you guys been fucking?"

There you have it! Believe me, I could have put more (hence why I bumped it up to twelve).
Hope you got some laughs out of it :)

Until next time!