Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hey guys. So I've been thinking lately about past experiences, life and what not. I wanted to share with you what I've learned about life.

#1. We as a race of beings not knowing why we are even here cannot soundly judge what is right and wrong in regards to the way others are or the decisions they make.

#2. Don't ever compromise your beliefs/who you are for someone else.

#3. Free yourself to all the possibilities life has to offer; don't be afraid to say yes once and a while.

#4. Wake up with optimism in your heart.

#5. Love. But don't dive in head first right away.

#6. While you may see things differently, always go beyond your own beliefs to see the points of others.

#7. Never stop the pursuit of greater knowledge.

#8. Believe in Karma. She be a harsh mistress.

#9. It's great to always think of others before yourself, but don't forget to cater to your needs as well.

#10. Labels segregate people from one another, so its best not to use them at all.

#11. *Classic lesson of life* Nothing in life worth having comes easy.

#12. When everything seems to be going to hell, remember its only today. There is always tomorrow.

#13. It's best not to regret decisions you make; they're the past, just learn for next time.

#14. Never over-think anything. (Easier said then done I know)

#15. Shut off that negative voice in your head that says you aren't good enough because you are in fact better than good enough.

#16. Love yourself for whatever you look like and whoever you are.

#17. Every person is inherently good and inherently bad; basically don't underestimate people.

#18. Follow your passion; if it makes you happy then it is worth it.

#19. There is always some song out there that can express thoroughly how you feel; once you find that song, you find clarity.

Everything changes; fighting it makes life unnecessarily difficult. Accept things you can't change and embrace the things you can.

I loves to get all deep. Hope you guys found this enlightening or something ;)

Until next time!


1 comment:

Megan said...

Love reading your list :) Makes me think about my own list.