Tuesday, November 2, 2010

As I sit here...

There's a lot of things I could write about, if my thoughts didn't scramble themselves every 5 seconds.

I'll start with an update I suppose, then maybe get into something deep and interesting, we'll see how it goes...
(Haha! Unintentional rhyming.) Anyways...

As of last week, I'm employed at my college bowling alley and I have to say, it's pretty cool.
I'm catching on really fast so that makes it easier and my co-workers are really fun. Its funny that if you make your needs widely known, something will finally happen. SO there's that.

Also, as of late I've been thinking on my feelings which, like my thoughts themselves, go every which way. Very confusing stuff friends. It ranges from specific people to things I get to do, what ever right? Right.

The biggest thing I think that is keeping me somewhat grounded is music. It's always there for personal salvation, of which I've used many a time. I'm in the process of writing more songs which I know, is way exciting :) And I've been contemplating the phrase "living for the art" in terms of music. Like when I think about bands such as The Doors and Patti Smith and Bob Dylan, they didn't care if you liked their music or not, for them, they were living for the music. Which I've come to realize when I'm writing songs, I think too much on whether or not everyone will like them if I put them on a public forum. But frankly, that's not constructive to honest to god feeling, passion, grit of music. I really need not care if some of my friends think my stuff is "ok" or really whoever has an opinion about it. Because in the end, its all about the music. And truly the best songs come about without too much strenuous thought. Fuck it if it doesn't rhyme, does it mean something is the bigger question. Personal poetry are the songs that say something outright, out-loud, hell it may even scream the statement you want to make, that's being true to your artistic vision, what ever that may be to you of course. Special thanks to Professor Costa for this thought.

I guess the moral to this story kids is don't think too much, don't make too many DETAILED plans, realize you don't have to have it altogether and then maybe you can sort you shit out.

HEY look at that, something thought provoking actually came out of a random spiel.
But really, what ever. It's my blog, what ever flows or doesn't right? Right :)

Until next we blog/read.

"Little Lion Man" by Mumford and Sons
Made me want to live for the music. If you like folksy music, you'll love them.

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