Monday, September 27, 2010

Ta-Da! My First Song :)

Well friends, I'm feeling pretty damn good :)
Thanks to my marvelously talented friend Selja, I tried writing lyrics again.
And I'm really stoked!

I never really took writing that seriously as far as songs/music just because I felt my lyrics weren't good enough and they lacked originality.

Well as you will recall, my last post I was feeling pretty crappy. But out of that, came my first song! Intense emotions certainly help the flow of creative juices!

So for obvious reasons, I will be treading lightly as far as releasing my song/lyrics. Until I'm sure it's safe (copyright and what not) Then I will be more than happy to post a video of me performing it for those of you who stumble onto my blog page :)

I'm so excited for my friends to hear it.
And I think I made my dad proud. Love ya old man, this song is for you.

Until next time :)

1 comment:

selja sini said...

i hear ya, intense feelings definitely help. your song rocks! don't you dare doubt your skills cuz they are mad.