Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hey guys. So I've been thinking lately about past experiences, life and what not. I wanted to share with you what I've learned about life.

#1. We as a race of beings not knowing why we are even here cannot soundly judge what is right and wrong in regards to the way others are or the decisions they make.

#2. Don't ever compromise your beliefs/who you are for someone else.

#3. Free yourself to all the possibilities life has to offer; don't be afraid to say yes once and a while.

#4. Wake up with optimism in your heart.

#5. Love. But don't dive in head first right away.

#6. While you may see things differently, always go beyond your own beliefs to see the points of others.

#7. Never stop the pursuit of greater knowledge.

#8. Believe in Karma. She be a harsh mistress.

#9. It's great to always think of others before yourself, but don't forget to cater to your needs as well.

#10. Labels segregate people from one another, so its best not to use them at all.

#11. *Classic lesson of life* Nothing in life worth having comes easy.

#12. When everything seems to be going to hell, remember its only today. There is always tomorrow.

#13. It's best not to regret decisions you make; they're the past, just learn for next time.

#14. Never over-think anything. (Easier said then done I know)

#15. Shut off that negative voice in your head that says you aren't good enough because you are in fact better than good enough.

#16. Love yourself for whatever you look like and whoever you are.

#17. Every person is inherently good and inherently bad; basically don't underestimate people.

#18. Follow your passion; if it makes you happy then it is worth it.

#19. There is always some song out there that can express thoroughly how you feel; once you find that song, you find clarity.

Everything changes; fighting it makes life unnecessarily difficult. Accept things you can't change and embrace the things you can.

I loves to get all deep. Hope you guys found this enlightening or something ;)

Until next time!


Friday, June 10, 2011


Hey kids! Welcome to yet another post on mah blog.
Now if you're looking at the title and thinking to yourself, "What the fuck is a skrillex?", allow me to clue you in. As a lot of you know, I'm die-hard rock and roll when it comes to music. But as of this past year, I've expanded my horizons musically and have been very pleased with what I've found. I've never really been one to listen to electronic music, but when attending Coachella two months back, the was what the first day consisted of and I found myself wanting to dance until I fell over! I did, a few times. :p It makes one want to party :) haha!
ANYWAYS, Skrillex was one such artist. Here's a little background info; He's an electro house/dubstep DJ from LA, also former front man of the band From First to Last, (this was a smart move on his part, trust me.) His mixes are really, as the kids say, sick. lol.
The music gets your blood pumping and I constantly find myself getting lost in it! He recently released a new album called "More Sprites and Monsters" <-------(P.S., the track called First of the Year is in-freakin-credible!) This album is kind of a continuation of the album he released last year, ALSO addictive.
Anyway I guess the summary of this post would be to expand your musical tastes; venture into something you never really thought of liking, you may be surprised. And I recommend this album, you won't regret it. Below I'll post a link of "First of the Year", give ya a feel for the sound.

Kudos to you Sir Skrillex :)
Until next time!

Monday, June 6, 2011



The first time I heard these words were in her classroom. Cheryl Funston was my english teacher junior year of high school and in general a remarkable human being. To my dismay, I found out she passed away on the 3rd due to ovarian cancer. A woman who was made to face her own mortality not once, but three times. She was one teacher I will never forget, she supported me in a dark time of my life and even pulled me out of it. It's so hard to think I will never see her again.
I remember the last time I saw her; I stopped by my old high school to visit some people and I dropped in to say hi. She listened and smiled intently as I told her about college and my aspirations of majoring in theater; she had always showed great support to our drama department and was always telling me I could do whatever I wanted to do. She was like a second mother at times when I needed it most. She was so proud of where I had started to take my life's journey. Our conversation lasted an hour and a half, of which she spent the time laughing and smiling.
There was rare a time I can recall when she wasn't smiling, that is one thing that will stay with me; her sweet disposition. The care she took with her students, that is something else I remember. We all could've just nameless faces sitting in desks, but no. Not to Mrs. Funston, she knew us all individually. Even three years after being in her class, she would still recognize students.
Her care inspired me to work hard, every project I turned in took a lot of time on my part because I wanted to make sure it was well done. My favorite lesson was the one of Henry David Thoreau; he is a great inspiration in my life now as to how I live and view the world. I didn't understand his words at first, but that is where Funston came in. One day, we went outside to read a chapter of Walden which spoke about the simplicity of life among nature. After she would explain, I absorbed everything easier. My mind always had a traffic of thoughts, but somehow was brought to quiet clarity with her teachings.
She wasn't just a teacher, but a friend. A pillar of strength and intelligence, unwavering hope. I can't help but be reminded how unfair life is when people like Cheryl Funston have to fight to keep their health for years only to end up on the losing end. But only regret is that I will never get to say goodbye. I have had several dealings with death before, but it still hits me this hard. It hurts my heart to think of her having to struggle the last four years of her life, it hurts to think how many students will never learn from her, it hurts to know she will never play pacman again.
Cheryl Funston, you were too good for this world. But that's why it needed you for the time you were here, to fill it with optimism and sunshine. I will never forget you.

Rest in peace.

"Long May You Run" by Neil Young
I dedicate this to you Mrs. Funston.