Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hello Again. Hello :)

Hey I'm back. Did you miss me? Probably not :)
Anyway just recapping what's going on in my world right now---

Ok so this last week....
My friend Penny and I were walking through what was formally Wild Oats, ready to leave when a woman calls over to us to see the hair accessory my friend created for herself; a birdcage veil. I thought for sure this woman would make a compliment about the hair piece and we'd be on our way. But actually she had us sit down to discuss a business proposition. She owns this very crazy eclectic store and pieces such as the one my friend made have been in high demand, so on the spot she offers us a wall for which to display a collection of our hats. Well I'll be damned....we both were so pleasantly stunned that we had nothing to say. And well truth be told, I had no part in making the birdcage veil. She had us write down our info and gave us her card and then excused us. The second we got out of the store we were so giddy with excitement and the creative juices were flowing. We have so many great ideas that this could turn out to be a great business, who knows? :) All I know is I'm SO excited to get this off the ground!

In more not-so-random news, I'm 12 days away from starting COLLEGE. Damn. And still so much to be done. It's nice though because I have an amazingly chill schedule; The Universe which is my science class and by recommendation sounds AMAZING! History of Rock and Roll, Need I say it? :D Acting 1 which will definitely help the transition, and UC 1010 which will help me succeed for my first year :) As I said, very good schedule. And my earliest class starts at 10:45; this fact makes me appreciate not being in high school anymore among many many other reasons. So even though I was scared for college, I've learned to embrace the idea as a fantastic new adventure into the somewhat unknown. I seriously can't wait!

And the good news keeps on a'rollin in! I actually have caught up with a lot of the friends I thought I was sure to lose after they graduated, and it's been a blast! Late night talks at a coffee shop downtown, kickball, rescue the bitch-capture the hoe (capture the flag except with creepy dolls and a team of either listed in the title!) Puking in a 7-Eleven bathroom, Taco-Hell, and just in general knowing that all of them are alive. It secures me in a way to know that they haven't forgotten about little old me because I remember being so sad when they graduated and the gestures they've made to keep in contact mean that much more. Life is grand ladies and gents.

So not much else to tell other than give my playlist a listen; I mean a good listen. Because the music on there is really amazing. Also hope that the lives of others are going well. And finally I need to try and kick this bad habit of the not sleeping and such.

So with that I will say good night and have a pleasant tomorrow ;)


P.S. I like the range of my blog posts from serious to pointless. :)

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