Thursday, August 14, 2008

I realized today...

This year, is going to be awesome. I've been reconnecting with theater buds that I didn't think I'd be seeing outside of school this summer, but low and behold I had an awesome night hanging out with a smallish group of them and it just renewed my faith in theater, school, friends and such. AND I'm in a little thing called....PRODUCTIONS! That I am especially excited for and just how mellow and smooth things will hopefully, probably be like in the drama department this year, yes!

This last year, HECTIC-DRAMATIC-KIND-OF-PIECE-O-CRAP-AT-TIMES. It's true, this last year I ALMOST didn't sign up to do theater and If I really hadn't,I'd be kicking myself mentally right now and be upset as hell. SO thanks to all of my buds who took the liberty of spreading the word and just telling me that I was doing it even if I didn't want to, I really appreciate you guys.

So keeping this one short, I just am psyched and say that I'm ready for Jr. year and whatever it may hold for me.
(P.S. Does anyone even read this? Just curious, only ONE comment and it's from someone I don't even know, come on guys really :)

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