So the title...I'm pretty damn sure I'm losin' it. Why is this?
Oh for a number of reasons.
I can't focus on anything I'm suppose to. My thoughts are the least coherent they've been in a long time. Of course this could easily be something along the lines of A.D.D., but that's not it. I can't really go into it or explain it for lack of the correct phrasing. I guess I could put it this way; I want what is unknown to me. Is this perhaps vague? Of course it is. And for good reason, like I said, can't explain it! And it's not even that it's because this is a blog, I just can't say it :p I guess I'm just looking to break out of myself, do something crazy. That's really what I want, to NOT be myself for once. Being me is fine, but I feel the need to shake my life up. And I feel as though there is only one way to go about it. Again, can't say. I know, I know. Why even write this if I'm not going to delve out the truth openly? WELL that happens to be because this is in fact a blog. And why I don't mind sharing my feelings, I don't feel this is the best place to lay down my inner most secrets. Yup. So that's the wacko part. And it just came about in the most unexpected way.
A las, I hope I can get back to normal...maybe soon?
And now to transition to something different! It's that time again, where I catch readers up on what the hell I've been doing with my time. A few things as a matter of fact! Meeting new people now, trying to put myself out into the world more because I've never really done the "dating" thing per say, so my friends suggested that I give it a whirl. And in general with that, MOSTLY, I just plan on making new friends :) Nothing wrong with that, I got all the time in the world baby! Also, started my second semester of college 4 weeks ago. Exciting right? Ehh, not as exciting as the first term. This just means I've managed not to academically bone myself so in that way, I am fulfilled. Classes overall are pretty cool, challenging, but nothing I can't handle. I mean fuck, I'm juggling a social life, academics, and a part-time job. I haven't completely lost it yet, so I figure I'm still good to go. I've also stumbled upon a possible double major; Video game design AND theater. I love both, so maybe do both? It's up in the air, but we'll see.
ALSO, I splurged a bit, (OK a shit ton) and I'm going to the Coachella festival in Indio, California for three days of music from some fantastic artists. Really with what's been going down, I could do with a change of scenery you know? So I'm just shakin' with anticipation over that, it's going to be out right rockin :) I'm also combining that with getting to know some new people so that'll be beyond rad.
Sooner than that, I'm going to see Rooney in concert. Don't know who they are? Well refer to my auto are more than likely listening to one of their songs already. I love their music. Nothing feels as good as the discovery of new music, nothing folks. Ok, there are probably other things, undoubtedly. But this is my thing people, you know that :)
Oh and to close, as per usual, I give a recommendation or some shit like that. Two words; Bo Burnham. Look him up if you need a good laugh, his special "Words, Words, Words" is bitchin.
A musical recommendation you ask?
My friend is in this band that does really amazing music. A talented bunch of gentlemen. Who?
Nathan Spenser and The Low Keys. Thank me later ;)
That's all for now kids. Live large ya'll.
"Blue Side" by Rooney
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