Saturday, December 25, 2010

Who reigns supreme indeed?------->

HELLO Ladies and Gents, I see you've noticed my mustache...oh and this blog of mine :)

ANYWAY, The poll is up people! Thank you so much for your nominations! These were the most reoccurring nominations I had so why don't you pick your favorites! With so many choices, I thought I'd give you the option to pick, uh, many choices...
Oh and for extra delicious fun time, please feel free to do a vague posting of someone you know that you think is a douche, and when I say vague, I mean VAGUE. No names please :) Code names are preferable and HILARIOUS. I would absolutely love to pick some of them to read in my next video on new years :) SO that is all I shall ask of you readers now!

Also, hope your holidays were full of happy joyous lovingness family pudding pine splendidness. Yup. And may all your hopes for material possession be granted by the ghost like genie of this fine holiday. Love unto you all, entertain you soon? INDEED. In fact at the bottom of this post is a quite enjoyable video that will tickle, possibly fracture, your funny bone.

Until next time, Stay classy all...(mustache or no mustache.)

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