All and all, everything's ok.
Productions is pretty awesome considering I have my first lead junior year :)
We're doing a play called "Mother Hicks" and guess who I am? Mother Hicks :b I'm really excited, but getting kind of worried because we have less than two months to rehearse this, we're doing our performances on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of January and Oh! The 16th is my birthday :D Some people have said that it would suck to have to perform on your birthday but honestly, I'm perfectly content. I'm really excited!
Also, starting this last weekend, I've promised myself that I'll have more of a social life and so far I'm doing pretty well.
Winter Formal was Saturday night and that is the most fun date I've been on, and its one where I was asked, imagine that :D Day activity was playing squash, long story short, I royally sucked!
But it was fine because it was enjoyable.
Dinner was great, and the dance was insane! We were up near the front, you know by the speakers, so our hearing got messed up. It got hot and my feet were killing me, but it was TOTALLY worth it. After activity, oh boy....We made gingerbread houses and ours...was...AMAZING. Any conceivable piece of candy or uh...brownie or popcorn :b was on our house. We do have plans to give it an honorable send off, but before that, We transferred it to Steven's house. I'm was surprised that it made it because it was such a "brick", that we had to use these wafer things to hold up the roof, by the time we got to his house, there was one wafer support left.....sad thing isn't it? But it was awesome.
So that's whats been up with me. I hope that someday my blog will actually be read :b
That is all.